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PBS - পিপল বুক সোসাইটি

Having its origin forty-five years ago in the sleepy town called Berhampur, our activities shifted to Kolkata in 1979 and had a colorful start there. If anyone asks what distinctive features our publication possesses, we just ask him/ her to have a cursory look at our titles, which will speak for themselves. Apart from having a definitive ideology and an unwavering conviction, our publication has shown the courage to hold on to the ideology and weathered various repressions not only of the state but of all age-old orthodox social institutes. Our bitter struggle to defend our publication DWIKHONDITO after its ban by the West Bengal Government, written by the rebel Bangladeshi author Taslima Nasrin is now known to the entire world. Concentrating on left radical literature, the range of our publication encompasses the problem of feminism, socialism, Marxism and contemporary Indian and global economics and politics. We are the proud publisher of Taslima Nasrin’s series of Autobiography including the world-famous AAMAR MEYE BELA (My Girlhood), part I of the series. We had to face a ban, threats from the state and religious fundamentalists and even scorn from those who were formerly our friends. But we did not budge .we are determined to go ahead with more and more publications that will uphold values, love for truth and social progress

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